Document Classification with scikit-learn

Document Classification with scikit-learn

Document classification is a fundamental machine learning task. It is used for all kinds of applications, like filtering spam, routing support request to the right support rep, language detection, genre classification, sentiment analysis, and many more. To demonstrate text classification with scikit-learn, we’re going to build a simple spam filter. While the filters in production for services like Gmail are vastly more sophisticated, the model we’ll have by the end of this tutorial is effective, and surprisingly accurate.

Spam filtering is kind of like the “Hello world” of document classification. It’s a binary classification problem: either spam, or not spam (a.k.a ham). However, something to be aware of is that you aren’t limited to two classes. The classifier we will be using supports multi-class classification. All that is required is to include examples from more classes in the training set. In this example, we’ll just stick to two classes: spam and ham.

We’re going to use a combination of the Enron-Spam (in raw form) data sets and the SpamAssassin public corpus. Both are publicly available for download. We’re going to start with raw, labeled emails, and end with a working, reasonable accurate spam filter. We’ll work through to following tasks to get there:

  • Loading raw email data into a workable format
  • Extracting features from the raw data that an algorithm can learn from
  • Training a classifier
  • Evaluating accuracy by cross-validation
  • Improving upon initial accuracy

Loading Examples

Before we can train a classifier, we need to load example data in a format we can feed to the learning algorithm. scikit-learn typically likes things to be in a Numpy array-like structure. For a spam classifier, it would be useful to have a 2-dimensional array containing email bodies in one column and a class (also called a label), i.e. spam or ham, for the document in another.

A good starting place is a generator function that will take a file path, iterate recursively through all files in said path or its subpaths, and yield each email body contained therein. This allows us to dump the example data into directories without meticulously organizing it.

import os

NEWLINE = '\n'
SKIP_FILES = {'cmds'}

def read_files(path):
    for root, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(path):
        for path in dir_names:
            read_files(os.path.join(root, path))
        for file_name in file_names:
            if file_name not in SKIP_FILES:
                file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
                if os.path.isfile(file_path):
                    past_header, lines = False, []
                    f = open(file_path, encoding="latin-1")
                    for line in f:
                        if past_header:
                        elif line == NEWLINE:
                            past_header = True
                    content = NEWLINE.join(lines)
                    yield file_path, content

According to protocol, email headers and bodies are separated by a blank line (NEWLINE), so we simply ignore all lines before that and then yield the rest of the email. You’ll also notice the encoding="latin-1" bit. Some of the corpus is not in Unicode, so this makes a “best effort” attempt to decode the files correctly. A little corruption here and there (accented characters and such) won’t stop the show. It might just reduce accuracy a tiny bit. Read more about processing text files with Python 3.

Now we need to build a dataset from all these email bodies. The Python library Pandas makes it easy to munge the data into shape as a DataFrame and then convert it to a Numpy array when we need to send it to the classifier.

from pandas import DataFrame

def build_data_frame(path, classification):
    rows = []
    index = []
    for file_name, text in read_files(path):
        rows.append({'text': text, 'class': classification})

    data_frame = DataFrame(rows, index=index)
    return data_frame

This function will build us a DataFrame from all the files in path. It will include the body text in one column and the class in another. Each row will be indexed by the corresponding email’s filename. Pandas lets you append a DataFrame to another DataFrame. It’s really more of a concatenation than an append like Python’s list.append(), so instead of just adding a new row to the DataFrame, we construct a new one and append it to the prior repeatedly.

Using read_files and build_data_frame, it’s really easy for us to build and add to the dataset:

HAM = 'ham'
SPAM = 'spam'

    ('data/spam',        SPAM),
    ('data/easy_ham',    HAM),
    ('data/hard_ham',    HAM),
    ('data/beck-s',      HAM),
    ('data/farmer-d',    HAM),
    ('data/kaminski-v',  HAM),
    ('data/kitchen-l',   HAM),
    ('data/lokay-m',     HAM),
    ('data/williams-w3', HAM),
    ('data/BG',          SPAM),
    ('data/GP',          SPAM),
    ('data/SH',          SPAM)

data = DataFrame({'text': [], 'class': []})
for path, classification in SOURCES:
    data = data.append(build_data_frame(path, classification))

data = data.reindex(numpy.random.permutation(data.index))

As you can see, increasing the size of the training set is just a matter of dumping a collection of emails into a directory and then adding it to SOURCES with an applicable class. The last thing we do is use DataFrame’s reindex to shuffle the whole dataset. Otherwise, we’d have contiguous blocks of examples from each source. This is important for validating prediction accuracy later.

Now that the data is in a usable format, let’s talk about how to turn raw email text into useful features.

Extracting Features

Before we can train an algorithm to classify a document, we have to extract features from it. In general terms, that means to reduce the mass of unstructured data into some uniform set of attributes that an algorithm can learn from. For text classification, that can mean word counts. We’ll produce a table of each word mentioned in the corpus (that is, the unioned collection of emails) and its corresponding frequency for each class of email. A contrived visualization might look like this:

  I Linux tomorrow today Viagra Free
ham 319 619 123 67 0 50
spam 233 3 42 432 291 534

The code to do this using scikit-learn’s feature_extraction module is pretty minimal. We’ll instantiate a CountVectorizer and then call its instance method fit_transform, which does two things: it learns the vocabulary of the corpus and extracts word count features. This method is an efficient way to do both steps, and for us it does the job. However, in some cases you may want to use a different vocabulary than the one inherent in the raw data. For this reason, CountVectorizer provides fit and transform methods to do them separately. Additionally, you can provide a vocabulary in the constructor.

To get the text from the DataFrame, you just access it like a dictionary and it returns a vector of email bodies, and then use its values attribute to get the underlying Numpy array.

import numpy
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
counts = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(data['text'].values)

With these counts as features, we can go to the next steps: training a classifier and classifying individual emails.

Classifying Emails

We’re going to use a naïve Bayes classifier to learn from the features. A naïve Bayes classifier applies the Bayes theorem with naïve independence assumptions. That is, each feature (in this case word counts) is independent from every other one and each one contributes to the probability that an example belongs to a particular class. Using the contrived table above, a super spammy word like “Free” contributes to the probability that an email containing it is spam, however, a non-spam email could also contain “Free,” balanced out with non-spammy words like “Linux” and “tomorrow.”

We instantiate a new MultinomialNB and train it by calling fit, passing in the feature vector and the target vector (the classes that each example belongs to). The indices of each vector must be aligned, but luckily Pandas keeps that straight for us.

from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB

classifier = MultinomialNB()
targets = data['class'].values, targets)

And there we have it: a trained spam classifier. We can try it out by constructing some examples and predicting on them.

examples = ['Free Viagra call today!', "I'm going to attend the Linux users group tomorrow."]
example_counts = count_vectorizer.transform(examples)
predictions = classifier.predict(example_counts)
predictions # [1, 0]

Our predictions vector should be [1, 0], corresponding to the constants we defined for SPAM and HAM.

Still, doing each one of those steps one-at-a-time was pretty tedious. We can package it all up using a construct provided by scikit-learn called a Pipeline.


A pipeline does exactly what it sounds like: connects a series of steps into one object which you train and then use to make predictions. I’ve written about using scikit-learn pipelines in detail, so I won’t redo that here. In short, we can use a pipeline to merge the feature extraction and classification into one operation:

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

pipeline = Pipeline([
    ('vectorizer',  CountVectorizer()),
    ('classifier',  MultinomialNB()) ])['text'].values, data['class'].values
pipeline.predict(examples) # ['spam', 'ham']

The first element of each tuple in the pipeline, ‘vectorizer’, and ‘classifier’, are arbitrary names. Pipelining simplifies things a lot when you start tweaking your model to improve your results, and you’ll see why later. First, we need to get some real performance metrics. Classifying two short, imaginary messages isn’t a very rigorous test. We need to cross-validate with some real emails which we already have labels for, much like the examples we trained on.


To validate the classifier against unseen data, we can just split the training set into two parts with a ratio of 2:8 or so. Given that the dataset has been shuffled, each portion should contain an equal distribution of example types. We hold out the smaller portion (the cross-validation set), train the classifier on the larger part, predict on the cross-validation set, and compare the predictions to the examples’ already-known classes. This method works very well, but it has the disadvantage of your classifier not getting trained and validated on all examples in the data set.

A more sophisticated method is known as k-fold cross-validation. Using this method, we split the data set into k parts, hold out one, combine the others and train on them, then validate against the held-out portion. You repeat that process k times (each fold), holding out a different portion each time. Then you average the score measured for each fold to get a more accurate estimation of your model’s performance.

While the process sounds complicated, scikit-learn makes it really easy. We’ll split the data set into 6 folds and cross-validate on them. scikit-learn’s KFold can be used to generate k pairs of index vectors. Each pair contains a list of indices to select a training subset of the data and a list of indices to select a validation subset of the data.

from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, f1_score

k_fold = KFold(n=len(data), n_folds=6)
scores = []
confusion = numpy.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
for train_indices, test_indices in k_fold:
    train_text = data.iloc[train_indices]['text'].values
    train_y = data.iloc[train_indices]['class'].values

    test_text = data.iloc[test_indices]['text'].values
    test_y = data.iloc[test_indices]['class'].values, train_y)
    predictions = pipeline.predict(test_text)

    confusion += confusion_matrix(test_y, predictions)
    score = f1_score(test_y, predictions, pos_label=SPAM)

print('Total emails classified:', len(data))
print('Score:', sum(scores)/len(scores))
print('Confusion matrix:')

# Total emails classified: 55326
# Score: 0.942661080942
# Confusion matrix:
# [[21660   178]
#  [ 3473 30015]]

scikit-learn provides various functions for evaluating the accuracy of a model. We’re using the F1 score for each fold, which we then average together for a mean accuracy on the entire set. Using the model we just built and the example data sets mentioned in the beginning of this tutorial, we get about 0.94. A confusion matrix helps elucidate how the model did for individual classes. Out of 55,326 examples, we get about 178 false spams, and 3,473 false hams. I say “about” because by shuffling the data as we did, these numbers will vary each time we run the model.

That’s really not bad for a first run. Obviously it’s not production-ready even if we don’t consider the scaling issues. Consumers demand accuracy, especially regarding false spams. Who doesn’t hate to lose something important to the spam filter?

Improving Results

In order to get better results, there’s a few things we can change. We can try to extract more features from the emails, we can try different kinds of features, we can tune the parameters of the naïve Bayes classifier, or try another classifier all together.

One way to get more features is to use n-gram counts instead of just word counts. So far we’ve relied upon what’s known as “bag of words” features. It’s called that because we simply toss all the words of a document into a “bag” and count them, disregarding any meaning that could locked up in the ordering of words.

An n-gram can be thought of as a phrase that is n words long. For example, in the sentence “Don’t tase me, bro” we have the 1-grams, “don’t,” “tase,” “me,” and “bro.” The same sentence also has the 2-grams (or bigrams) “don’t tase”, “tase me”, and “me bro.” We can tell CountVectorizer to include any order of n-grams by giving it a range. For this data set, unigrams and bigrams seem to work well. 3-grams add a tiny bit more accuracy, but for the computation time they incur, it’s probably not worth the marginal increase.

pipeline = Pipeline([
    ('count_vectorizer', CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2))),
    ('classifier',       MultinomialNB())

# Total emails classified: 55326
# Score: 0.978154601119
# Confusion matrix:
# [[21745    93]
#  [ 1343 32145]]

That boosts the model up to an F1 score of about 0.98. As before, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on how it’s doing for individual classes and not just the set as a whole. Luckily this increase represents an increase for both spam and ham classification accuracy.

Another way to improve accuracy is to use different kinds of features. N-gram counts have the disadvantage of unfairly weighting longer documents. A six-word spammy message and a five-page, heartfelt letter with six “spammy” words could potentially receive the same “spamminess” probability. To counter that, we can use frequencies rather than occurances. That is, focusing on how much of the document is made up of a particular word, instead of how many times the word appears in the document. This kind of feature set is known as term frequencies.

In addition to converting counts to frequencies, we can reduce noise in the features by reducing the weight for words that are common across the entire corpus. For example, words like “and,” “the,” and “but” probably don’t contain a lot of information about the topic of the document, even though they will have high counts and frequencies across both ham and spam. To remedy that, we can use what’s known as inverse document frequency or IDF.

Adding another vectorizer to the pipeline will convert the term counts to term frequencies and apply the IDF transformation:

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer

pipeline = Pipeline([
    ('count_vectorizer',   CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1,  2))),
    ('tfidf_transformer',  TfidfTransformer()),
    ('classifier',         MultinomialNB())

# Total emails classified: 55326
# Score: 0.992183969741
# Confusion matrix:
# [[21338   500]
#  [   27 33461]]

Unfortunately, with this particular data set, using TF-IDF features results in a slightly more accurate model in the general sense, but it causes it to have considerably higher rates of false spam classification. That would result in a larger quantity of legitimate emails being caught in the filter, which in practice would be less desirable than having to manually delete the occasional spam.

To wrap up this tutorial, let’s try one more thing: using a different classifier. The Bernouli naïve Bayes classifier differs in a few ways, but in this case, the important difference is that it operates on n-gram occurrences rather than counts. Instead of a numeric vector representing n-gram counts, it uses a vector a booleans representing the presence of absence of an n-gram. In general, this model performs better on shorter documents, so if we wanted to filter forum spam or tweets, it would probably be the one to use.

We don’t have to change any of the feature extraction pipeline (except that we’re removing the TfidfTransformer step and just using the CountVectorizer again). BernoulliNB has a binarize parameter for setting the threshold for converting numeric values to booleans. We’ll use 0.0, which will convert words which are not present in a document to False and words which are present any number of times to True.

from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB

pipeline = Pipeline([
    ('count_vectorizer',   CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2))),
    ('classifier',         BernoulliNB(binarize=0.0)) ])

# Total emails classified: 55326
# Score: 0.965959861719
# Confusion matrix:
# [[21785    53]
#  [ 2155 31333]]

This model does pretty poorly, but in a different way than the previous models. It allows a lot more spam to slip through, but there’s potential for it to improve if we could find the right binarize threshold.

For anyone keeping count, out of 55,326 emails (21,838 ham, 33,488 spam), the models have performed this well so far:

Features Classifier False spams False hams F1 score
Bag of words counts MultinomialNB 178 3473 0.942661080942
Bigram counts MultinomialNB 93 1343 0.978154601119
Bigram frequencies MultinomialNB 500 27 0.992183969741
Bigram occurrences BernoulliNB 53 2155 0.965959861719

The best solution we’ve encountered has been to train a MultinomialNB using either bigram counts or frequencies.

Final Thoughts

There you have it! In what I hope was minimally painful reading, you’ve seen how to build a spam classifier from start to finish. There’s still a lot of engineering work to be done if you wanted to put this thing into production, but that’s another blog post for another day. Aside from that, there are many more avenues to explore, especially regarding improving accuracy.

Something you should be asking yourself by this time is, “Why all the arbitrary parameters?” Why did we binarize at a threshold of 0.0? Why unigrams and bigrams? We were particular in the way we went about evaluating the accuracy of the models, namely k-folding, yet we didn’t really apply the same rigor when we configured the classifiers. How do we know if we’re doing the best we can?

The answer is, those parameters are arbitrary are are very likely not the optimal configuration. However, considering that the classifier takes several minutes to train and validate, it would take forever for us to exhaustively fine-tune, re-run, and test each change we could make.

Another thing that might come to mind is that even though the Bernouli model performed very poorly, it seemed to have some value in that it got fewer false spams than any of the others.

Luckily, there are ways to automate the fine-tuning process as well as combine the predictions of multiple classifiers. Grid search hyperparameter tuning and multi-model ensemble learning are interesting topics, and maybe I’ll write about them in the future. For now, we’ve done a pretty good job at classifying some documents. A fun exercise might be to dump your email archives into the example data and label it according to the sender and seeing if you can accurately identify the authors.

You can get the complete source code for the classifier in this gist.